dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011

Un dia a la piscina - A day in the swimming pool

Nina wheels in...a day in the swimming pool

-Nina: What a pity!!
There isn't any mobile chair to get into the swimming pool...

-Nina: to hell with this!!!
A day that I decide to come here and...shit!

-Api:Yes,that's a hell!!
Aha! I can see a bodyguard...
I'm going to discuss something about acesibility! Wait here!!

-Nina:Yes, be so hard!
If he doesn't pay attention to you, 
I will run him over with the chair,"as an involuntary act"!

-Api:Eii bodyguard!! Listen to me!!

-Bodyguard: Eeh...I'm a fool! 
I'm now wearing the sunglasses!
-Api: He-hello!! je,je...

-Api:...and I need some help to get Nina out of the chair. 
I'm allways telling her not to eat a
lot of Catalonian sausage of Vic,
because of her fat backside...

-Api: Niiiina! Romà is a sweetheart and
he wants to help you...

-Nina: Who is...Romà?!!

-Api: Yyujjuu Rooomà!!
She's delighted of being help!Be careful with the
 "Catalonian sausage of Vic",ji,ji,ji...

-Nina: Ggrrr...!!
-Nina: No, no and no!!
I don't want anybody to help me!
For this there are the mobile chairs,
for not having to ask any help!!
I refuse!! I don't want!!
-Bodyguard: Hi Nina!! I have came
to help you, my darling..

-Nina: Sometimes is not a trouble to find
" some handicaps" and to agree to help!

-Api: How lucky is she!!!

4 comentaris:

nuria cG ha dit...

per més seguretat de la Nina, li recomano que passi els braços al voltant del coll del socorrista...bé per seguretat també del socorrista, que no es fagi mal a l'esquena...,no?

Anònim ha dit...

jajajaja JAJAJAJA!!!!!!!!!! BONÍSSIMA!
Aquesta situació l'he vist!


Anònim ha dit...

també podrieu explicar la vegada que la van ajudar els bombers...


Jenny ha dit...

También, sería interesante la gestión de las emociones cuando las cosas no van como nos gustaría, como ese ideal que esperamos.