divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

Coses dolentes de la químio - Bad things of chemotherapy

Nina Wheels and... bad things of "chemo"
Nina:One of the most disgusting
effects of the "chemo" is that I
came out in spots all around my
body...and they are very itchy, more
than a chilli pepper!
Nina: Another bad effect
is that I'm allways sleepy...
Nina: But really the thing that I'm taking badly....sniff !
is an advice from the doctors...sniff
and it is...sniff!
...that I can not...

Llit articulat elèctric


Les barretes energètiques/


dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011

Atenció a l´usuari - The information desk

Nina says: Hello!!
Is there anybody?

Un dia a la piscina - A day in the swimming pool

Nina wheels in...a day in the swimming pool

-Nina: What a pity!!
There isn't any mobile chair to get into the swimming pool...

-Nina: to hell with this!!!
A day that I decide to come here and...shit!

-Api:Yes,that's a hell!!
Aha! I can see a bodyguard...
I'm going to discuss something about acesibility! Wait here!!

-Nina:Yes, be so hard!
If he doesn't pay attention to you, 
I will run him over with the chair,"as an involuntary act"!

-Api:Eii bodyguard!! Listen to me!!

-Bodyguard: Eeh...I'm a fool! 
I'm now wearing the sunglasses!
-Api: He-hello!! je,je...

-Api:...and I need some help to get Nina out of the chair. 
I'm allways telling her not to eat a
lot of Catalonian sausage of Vic,
because of her fat backside...

-Api: Niiiina! Romà is a sweetheart and
he wants to help you...

-Nina: Who is...Romà?!!

-Api: Yyujjuu Rooomà!!
She's delighted of being help!Be careful with the
 "Catalonian sausage of Vic",ji,ji,ji...

-Nina: Ggrrr...!!
-Nina: No, no and no!!
I don't want anybody to help me!
For this there are the mobile chairs,
for not having to ask any help!!
I refuse!! I don't want!!
-Bodyguard: Hi Nina!! I have came
to help you, my darling..

-Nina: Sometimes is not a trouble to find
" some handicaps" and to agree to help!

-Api: How lucky is she!!!